ECOMAPUA performs various forestry activities, providing environmental services, production of vegetable oils and generation of renewable energy, all activities that create carbon credits. The activities listed below illustrate the diversity of actions ECOMAPUÁ is undertaking.
The Activity of Reforestation
is the human-induced conversion of non-forested land into forest by planting, sowing and/or promotion of natural seed sources in an area that was forested, but converted to non-forested land. Ecomapuá conducts reforestation of native species and adapted to the Amazon region local environment
it is a planned set of guidelines for the management and sustainable use of natural resources, considering an optimal level of income and preservation of biodiversity. Combination of all methods of exploration and use of the area to protect the soil against depletion caused by natural factors or caused by human actions.
Low Impact Management
is the management of forest cover, either native or from reforestation, targeting timber products. During this activity, only small part of the forest cover is managed. This practice creates timber and non-timber products, including waste biomass for energy purposes.
Avoid Deforestation
is the name given to the preservation of natural areas with good conservation, such as found in the properties of ECOMAPUÁ, considering the potential they have to compensate for emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) responsible for the phenomenon of global warming, as well as its importance for conservation of biological diversity.
Biomass and Renewable Energy
Forest management, the activity of reforestation of native species, and production of vegetable oils generate waste biomass. Such wastes are used in the production of renewable energy in the form of heat and electricity, and even in the production of biofuels.
Production of Vegetable Oils
is a result of the use of fruits (seeds) of existing native species or from the activities of native trees reforestation. The produced oil can be used in the cosmetics industry or for energy purposes (biofuels).
Environmental Assets
are generated from reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases in accordance with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies or based on the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and several other standards in development.
These assets are generated to ensure that the environmental compensation is of quality and can be traded on the market, adding value to existing environmental assets, by synthesizing and integrating project development, risk management and considerations of public policies to create assets fungible and tradable.
Such projects are feasible with financial support from companies interested in offsetting their emissions of GHG and / or to pay for environmental services essential to quality of life such as water, energy, food, security against natural disasters, among others.